About Dr. Isa-Bella
My interest in Naturopathy and alternative therapies started in 1996 when repeated courses of antibiotic therapy to cure a common cold, started to cause drastic-effects. Subsequently, I qualified as a Natural Practitioner in 2004 when I completed Bachelors in Alternative Medicine, with the University of Alternative Medicine in India, as well as M.D.(A.M.), Ph.D (A.M.), Masters in Psychotherapy and Counseling and a Bachelors degree in Hypnosis. These qualifications enable me to practice in all disciplines of Naturopathy and related therapies.
Being a mother of three daughters, I understand the need to take good care of our total health. Health is affected negatively by a rushed, pressurised and inadequate dietary lifestyle, it. This is where I treat it with the least invasive and most natural way as possible.
People and their physical well-being are my passion. Total health ensures a happy family and creates a social environment for optimal functioning of the individual. I am especially excited about how Naturopathy can provide a holistic approach to healthcare. Naturopathy focuses on prevention and allows an alternative therapeutic option.
I am the owner and founder of Rubicon Persona Clinics and the developer of Evanesce natural beauty range.

Little About Rubicon Persona Clinic
Rubicon Persona Clinics is pleased to present this proposal of our services to Rehabilitation centers in order to assist in achieving goals for improving customer satisfaction and education by providing presentation talks on the benefits of alternative and holistic medicine and providing on site services to interested consumers (Live Blood Analysis & Iridology, Booster Shots and medication).
We have successfully changed the lives of individuals for the better—businesses committed to improving the customer experience through convenience, alternative, safe solutions, and timely delivery.
Rubicon Persona Clinics is continually proven to be an industry leader for supplying quality medication and personal touch in the following ways:
- Professional and friendly employees
- Timely turnaround to better Lifestyle
- Qualified doctor in alternative medicine and Hypnotherapy
- Qualifications: B.A.S.M, M.D. (Alternative medicine), P.H.D (A.M), Masters in Psychotherapy and Counselling, Bachelors in Hypnotherapy, Certificate in Chinese Cupping
- Certified Keto coach

Little About Rubicon Persona Clinic
Rubicon Persona Clinics is pleased to present this proposal of our services to Rehabilitation centers in order to assist in achieving goals for improving customer satisfaction and education by providing presentation talks on the benefits of alternative and holistic medicine and providing on site services to interested consumers (Live Blood Analysis & Iridology, Booster Shots and medication).
We have successfully changed the lives of individuals for the better—businesses committed to improving the customer experience through convenience, alternative, safe solutions, and timely delivery.
Rubicon Persona Clinics is continually proven to be an industry leader for supplying quality medication and personal touch in the following ways:
- Professional and friendly employees
- Timely turnaround to better Lifestyle
- Qualified doctor in alternative medicine and Hypnotherapy
- Qualifications: B.A.S.M, M.D. (Alternative medicine), P.H.D (A.M), Masters in Psychotherapy and Counselling, Bachelors in Hypnotherapy, Certificate in Chinese Cupping
- Certified Keto coach
Why Choose Rubicon Persona Clinic
Are you wondering why choose Rubicon Persona Clinic’ services and products? Here are the reasons why you should choose us!
Quality Service
We strive to provide the best possible service to you
Professional Staff
We are professional in all our services provided
Contact us today to make an appointment
Cost Efficient
Our prices are very affordable with the best service offered